Moet有禮! 購買Moët滿$1,000,即贈一對香檳杯!

Moët Impérial 魅力何在?製作 Moët Impérial 所使用的技術及專業知識沿用幾個世紀,經年累月下獲得持續的改善,力臻完美。無論您正在尋找美味輕盈、果香濃郁,或想純粹享受綿柔氣泡的輕撫,Moët Impérial 香檳都是您在任何場合的不二之選。




The allure of the iconic Moët Impérial? It’s created using techniques and a know-how that have been perfected over the centuries. Whether you’re looking for deliciously light, fruity notes, or simply the caress of fine bubbles, Moët Impérial is the champagne to reach for, no matter the occasion.

Purchase$1,000 of Moët and receive a gift of 2 champagne glasses!

*Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


Gift are limited, while stocks last